While liposuction is one of the most commonly performed procedures in the United States, there are still Risks of Liposuction
some possible risks involved in having liposuction. Since there are a variety of liposuction techniques available to the general public, not all complications and risks apply to each technique. In general, the following are some of the complications and risks that patients need to be aware of once they decide to undergo any form of liposuction:

  1. Attempting to have too much liposuction in one day is very dangerous. In general, there is a limit to the amount of surgical trauma that any patient can handle during a single day or a single procedure. If the patient desires a larger amount of liposuction, it is best to divide the procedure into two or more surgeries spaced apart in order to allow the body time to recover.
  2. Combining liposuction with any other surgery not related to the liposuction procedure presents a danger of complications. Consult with a board-certified doctor to make sure that any procedures that are being performed together can be done in a safe manner.
  3. Liposuction carries the same risks as many other surgeries including bleeding, infections, swelling and bruising and nerve injury. Most of these issues will fade away over the course of time.
  4. There are a number of larger complications that can occur as a result of a liposuction procedure. The overall risk of complications is reduced when the patient is not greatly overweight and doesn’t have another surgical procedure on the same day as the liposuction. Having said that, some of the rare but serious complications that can result from liposuction include pulmonary thromboembolism AKA a blood clot in the lungs, hematoma which is bleeding or the leaking of serum in a closed space under the skin and skin necrosis AKA the death of the skin cells in a certain area.
  5. A very rare complication of a liposuction procedure is the death of the patient. The death of the patient can be the result of internal injuries, infections, a blood clot in the lung and an adverse reaction to any drugs or anesthesia administered to the patient during the procedure.
  6. The anesthesia used in a liposuction surgery can play a big part in any risks associated with a procedure. While local anesthesia has not been shown to be much of an overall cause of complications, most deaths associated with liposuction are found in procedures performed using an IV or general anesthesia.
  7. Having an excessive amount of superficial liposuction can cause complications including lumpiness in the treated area, scars, discoloration of the skin and skin necrosis.
  8. Blood loss can occur during a liposuction procedure providing a couple of factors have taken place that can cause the blood loss. A few of these factors include the patient taking aspirin or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug a few days before having liposuction and the surgery involving the removal of an excessive amount of fat and tissue.
February 1, 2016
Risks of Liposuction

Liposuction Risks and Complications

  While liposuction is one of the most commonly performed procedures in the United States, there are still some possible risks involved in having liposuction. Since there…