Steps for Successful Liposuction Recovery

Recovery Steps for Liposuction

Recovery Steps for Liposuction

Many people that have liposuction are simply focused on the end result of how their body will look following the procedure. They don’t take the time to ask if there will be any pain following the treatment and what steps they should take to ensure a successful recovery.

While there are a number of ways to speed up liposuction recovery, here are some general tips to help patients enjoy a smooth recovery:

Will There be Much Pain After the Procedure?

The amount, and length, of pain after liposuction is different for each individual.  Soreness is normally much greater during the first 2-4 days after liposuction is performed. There will generally be some lingering soreness for 3-4 weeks that should start to fade after that point. Another factor in the amount of pain is the anesthesia used by the doctor. In general, patients who have liposuction under local anesthesia seem to have less discomfort and pain than those who have liposuction under general anesthesia.

How Can I Minimize Swelling and Soreness?

The use of elastic compression garments following liposuction helps decrease any pain. This is especially true if the garments are used in conjunction with an open-drainage technique which means the liposuction incisions are not closed with stitches. This is done so there will be a maximum opportunity for blood drainage as well as any other solutions used by the doctor.  The draining process minimizes the amount of swelling and soreness suffered by the patient. Once the draining has completed, many patients continue to wear the compression garment to keep the treated area restricted and prevent any jiggling of the area.

Will I be Stuck in Bed Following Liposuction?

In general, patients are instructed to be active following liposuction and get up and walk around as much as possible. As mentioned above, patients who have liposuction under local anesthesia tend to have a quicker recovery period. Doctors encourage patients to walk in order to reduce the risk of blood clots forming in the lungs or legs.

How Long Does it Take Until Results are Visible?

The amount of time it takes until the results of liposuction can be seen depends on the individual patient. There are a few general rules of thumb when it comes to visible results. If the surgeon uses the open-drainage technique mentioned above, 80-90% of the swelling will resolve itself in about 4 weeks. If the surgeon elects to close the incisions using stitches, the swelling can last for up to 8-12 weeks.

Can Seromas be Prevented or Easily Reduced?

Seroma happens when fluid leaks out of nearby blood and lymphatic vessels that have been damaged during the surgery. They accumulate inside a cavity in the body.  The wearing of compression garments can prevent seromas as well as reduce their size and number thanks to the open-draining of fluid. Surgeons can take steps to prevent and reduce seromas by using micro-cannulas to lessen the overall degree of surgical trauma so the fluid is not trapped under the skin.

What Activities Will be Restricted Immediately After Liposuction?

Common sense often plays a big part in post-surgery activities as well the level of activities recommended by the surgeon. All patients should be able to walk around their house or their neighborhood within 1-3 days after the procedure. Many patients can return to a desk job a few days after surgery. Tenderness and soreness can restrict the speed and ease enjoyed by a patient. However, patients should be comfortable sitting up and working at a computer or being behind a desk. Patients should avoid sitting in a car or behind the desk for a prolonged period of time as extended periods of inactivity increases the risk of blood clots in the legs.

Can I Have Another Liposuction Soon After Recovery?

There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to the right amount of time between successive liposuction surgeries. However, it is best for patients to schedule a consultation with the surgeon who performed the previous procedure before making a final decision about another surgery. The surgeon can conduct a thorough examination of the patient to determine the overall health of the person as well as the risk of complications if another liposuction surgery is performed soon after the first one.


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