Thinking about having Liposuction? When choosing to have Liposuction done, you should always check out your options. Many people are not sure where to start looking so, to get you started, here are the Top 8 Places to Get Liposuction in the USA.
- Orlando Liposculpting Services – This clinic is located in Orlando, Florida and offers free consultation and services such as Tumescent Liposuction, SmartLipo
Laser Liposuction and Vaser Hi Fed Ultrasonic Liposuction.
- The Bassin Center For Plastic Surgery – Located in Florida, The Bassin Center for Plastic Surgery has multiple locations that are well known for their SmartLipo technology. With SmartLipo, cosmetic physicians can get rid of unwanted flabby skin, fat and fatty tissue. Some of the areas which are best targeted with the SmartLipo procedure include the facial area, male breasts, bra area, love handles and saddle bags.
- Michigan Center For Cosmetic Surgery – The Michigan Center for Cosmetic Surgery has been rated as exceptional according to some accredited surveys. They are an AAAHC accredited surgical facility and the staff is said to be friendly, attentive and very knowledgeable about their services. The Michigan Center for Cosmetic Surgery, located in Ann Arbor, provides both surgical treatment and comprehensive cosmetic surgeries for male and female patients. Some of their services include cosmetic, non-surgical, noninvasive and minimally invasive treatment procedures.
- Vaser Ultrasonic Liposuction – This clinic, located in Clinton Township, Michigan, is considered one of the best clinics for plastic surgery. Not only are they well known for their liposuction services, they are also very knowledgeable in many other aspects of cosmetic surgery. One of their specialties is a technique called Vaser Ultrasonic Liposuction which tightens the skin by removing the fat.
- Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgeon – Located in Beverly Hills, California, this well-known facility treats every patient like a celebrity whether you just spent your last penny for a procedure or you are made of money. The Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgeon has developed a clinic within a clinic specifically for the individualized care of their liposuction patients.
- Westlake Dermatology & Surgery – The Westlake Dermatology & Surgery facility is located in Austin, Texas. It is recognized for being a national leader in liposuction technology and is famous for using the most advanced technology such as SmartLipo Triplex with High Tec micro-instruments when performing liposuction. This cutting edge technology is considered a gentle way to reshape the body and relieve patients of extra fat. The Westlake Dermatology & Surgery center also provides Tumescent Liposuction for a whole new you.
- David B. Realth – The David B. Realth surgical facility is located in Knoxville, Tennessee. Dr. Realth is a board-certified physician famous for his surgical skills. At his facility, you can receive liposuction, breast reductions, body lifts, tummy tuck and much more.
- Ivy Plastic Surgery Associates – The number one facility for cosmetic surgery is Ivy Plastic Surgery Associates located in Washington, DC. This clinic focuses on the latest personalized plastic surgery procedures to suit the needs of each individual patient. Some of their specialties besides liposuction include Rhinoplasty, Body contouring, Buttocks lift and Breast Augmentation. The clinic offers individual consultations, before and after photos of procedures and remarkable patient testimonials.